Joni Ernst (R) the WRONG Candidate for Iowa – Just Another Tea Party Favorite

Joni Ernst Iowa Senator & Candidate for US Senate

Joni Ernst is a Tea Partier who was endorsed by Sara Palin and the Tea Party Express who consider her to be a so-called true conservative. Ernst has a mission to privatize social security which would hurt millions of Americans every year as more seniors come of retirement age.  She tries to downplay her vision by stating current seniors should not be impacted if benefits for young people are changed instead. This philosophy suggests young folks will never age and need Social Security benefits. But that’s not all, Ernst also wants to privatize Medicare and Medicaid.

In addition to the above radical ideals, Ernst’s stances include the following:

  • Joni Ernst has no qualms stating her anti minimum wage beliefs and furthers her opinion by saying that earning $7.25 an hour is appropriate for Iowa. ($7.25 an hour amounts to roughly $15.000 a year). What’s more is that Ernst plans to completely abolish the minimum wage altogether!
  • Ernst plans to demolish the Department of Education that ensures a platform to learn for ALL Americans rather than to do her part to improve the current system. Americans should understand that this means their tax payer dollars would go to voucher programs that will FAVOR those who can afford to pay!
  • Ernst also plans to bring down the Environmental Protection Agency that protects our planet from chemical and other pollutants that destroy our air, land, and water
  • Ernst has a terrible record regarding her stances on women’s issues; for examples, she is against women’s rights to earn the same pay as men doing the same job and she will allow women to go back to paying more for insurance than men pay
  • Ernst is a pro-lifer who sponsored personhood  legislation that would have caused abortion providers to be arrested had it passed. She is for legislation that would deny women and young girls a right to undergo abortion procedures even in cases of rape and incest!
  • Ernst also opposes gun control laws that would help to protect innocent citizens including school children and has no issues with allowing convicted felons or those who commit domestic abuse to buy guns without first succumbing to background checks. She is for carrying concealed weapons as well under a Tea Party so-called Constitutional Carry bill that would allow Americans to tote guns both in sight and concealed as they see fit!
  • As with other Tea Partiers, Joni Ernst misconstrues facts about the successes of the Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare. What’s more is her commitment to abolish the health care law and to have officials running the plan arrested!
  • Joni Ernst is against same sex marriage and says she would ban this practice
  • Ernst is also against amnesty for illegal immigrants
  • In addition to the above, Joni Ernst is one of those far right wingers who flaunts rhetoric about impeaching President Barack Obama!

Dump this Tea Party candidate by voting for Democrat Bruce Braley on November 4, 2014!

UPDATE:  Unfortunately, Joni Ernst was elected to the Senate in 2014 due to lack of liberal/Democratic voters going to the polls as often happens during off-year elections. We must now wait and see what she does while in the Senate and look forward to ousting her in 2018 should her Tea Party ways persist…..

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