Greg Abbott Republican Candidate for Governor 2014

Greg Abbott is a Tea Party Republican running for Governor of Texas in the November 4, 2014 elections. Supported by the Tea Party, Abbott is misleading Texans regarding the truth of implementing voter identification laws among his other far right extremist views.

His radical ideals include the following:

  • Greg Abbott has issues with freedom of religion
  • He is against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that protects our planet
  • Abbott misleads the public on the need for voter identification laws
  • He is against abortion even when a woman or girl has been raped as well as in cases of incest
  • Greg Abbott also opposes gun control laws that would help to protect innocent citizens including school children
  • As with other Tea Partiers, Abbot continuously misconstrues facts about the successes of the Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare; and promises to continue preventing Texans from ever benefiting from those funds!
  • He also misleads the public on the increased security of our borders since President Obama has been in office

Dump this Tea Party candidate by voting for Democrat Wendy Davis on November 4 2014!

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Boot those radical righties into the sea!, pub-8045545803380114, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0