Colorado State Senator Owen Hill

Hill Represents Colorado’s 10th District

Owen Hill’s state senate term began January 2013 and ends in 2017; however, he is currently running for US Senate and the TeaParty Express is behind him…

Whether or not a self-proclaimed Tea Partier and/or Birther, Republican Owen Hill certainly speaks as if he aligns with one or both of these Far Right Wing groups. Perhaps his most notable statement came during a speech wherein he belittled the people of Kenya regarding the use of their toilet habits. He claims the place is called flying toilets because it lacks running water and latrines. After stating that the people take care of their business in plastic bags and then toss the tied up contents out the window, Hill went on to tell of Kenyan youth aspirations. In his comments, he told of how Kenyan slum youth dream of improving their lives by becoming astronauts, biologists , and physicists when they grow up. One of the children, according to Hill, said he wanted to be President of the United States. During recorded remarks in his statement, Hill “jokes” about how he held back the ‘snarky’ comment: “Well, you know what, we already have someone from Kenya as president of the United States.” During later interviews, Hill refused to retract those comments…

Below is a snippet of Owen Hill’s voting record:

  • Voted against same day voter registration to allow citizens more time to register and casts their votes during elections
  • Voted against firefighters forming unions to protect worker abilities to collectively bargain and receive representation without being discriminated against
  • Votes against gun control initiatives calling for background checks and limiting the amount of bullets clip magazines can legally hold
  • Voted against civil unions that would allow same sex couples equal rights under the law

​As stated above, Owen Hill is serving in the Colorado State Senate (at the time of this writing) but is running for a seat in the US Senate during the 2014 elections. Voters need to be aware that if elected into the US Senate, Owen Hill is likely to obstruct progress to move our country forward in the same manner the far right has been doing since 2009. He needs to be held to the Colorado seat he presently occupies until his can be voted out in 2017.

Hill tried to pass off the nasty remarks he made about Kenyan’s as an attempt for Mark Udall and other Democrats to smear his name because they are concerned about his challenging Udall’s Senate seat in the 2014 elections. Anyone listening to or reading the words Hill spoke can see for him/herself that there was no way to joke about the Kenyan people’s situation that could make it “all right” to do so. Hill displayed a complete lack of compassion for the Kenyan people’s situation. People do not live in slums without running water or toilet facilities because they choose to do so. In furtherance, Hill’s birther statement regarding President Barack Obama is of no laughing matter….

Your comments appreciated below….

Boot those radical righties into the sea!, pub-8045545803380114, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0